Policing Porn Is Not Part of Job Description

Policing Porn Is Not Part of Job Description

In this story, we learn that homeland security is not the library police. Hmm… if they want to help the community by working with libraries, how about going after overdue books? ^_^


  1. JO said,

    February 18, 2006 @ 5:17 pm

    There are several things that cause me concern with this article. One is the question of how and/or if they were somehow monitoring what the library patrons were viewing on the computers and so decided to pay the library a visit. Another is how the men just decided to interrupt/stop what everyone was doing to make an announcement without consulting anyone from the library; that kind of infringes on the librarians’ territory somehow. Finally, does homeland security truly have a role in the public lirary system and if it does, to what degree is it involved? I for one would rather homeland security be more involved with the law enforcement community such as DPS, FBI, etc.

  2. Jim Thio said,

    June 1, 2007 @ 12:02 am

    The real reason why they hate porn is because they tend to be militant. Porn tend to exterminate militant. You can shoot. You can fight. You can kill civilians. Can you get laid? Porn encourage free sex. Porn accentuate the disparity of sexual desirability. Porn is the opposite of hijab that diminished disparity of beauty. With porn around, less sexy people will go extinct. So George Bush and Osama both hate porn.

  3. Cody Lane said,

    February 21, 2008 @ 7:38 pm

    I wouldn’t say they hate porn. A lot of militants love pornography and sex. I’d be more likely to say that they enjoy control and demanding authority. Maybe they didn’t like the pornstar being watched, or maybe they didn’t like the people watching it.

  4. jason said,

    January 5, 2009 @ 5:21 pm

    this story is a testament to authoritative figures with policing ablity abusing there position but I question who they answer to and who made the decision to aproach the library.
    the fact that the men were “reassigned to other duties” makes me believe they made the call but it could be homeland security who made the mistake and the penalized men just a cover up for higher neglegance.

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