Judging Library Students in the 50s…

How would you rate the “general apperance” and “grooming” of your library student employee?
Would you say that the student is “cheap?” “Effusive?” “Queer?” Or has a “poor background?”

Alas, I don’t have the entire provenance of this document, which I finally got around to scanning after a few years. So I don’t really know if it came from the 50s, earlier or later… ^_^ Basically, this document was found in the back of an old piece of furniture in the Perry Castaneda Library at the University of Texas at Austin about three years ago, as the furniture was being surplussed. Someone thought I’d find it amusing and so passed it on to me, and I copied it.

The document is “The University of Texas Library School Student Rating Sheet,” date unknown, intended for librarians to evaluate their student workers from the library school. No one I’ve spoken to at the iSchool or the Library recognizes it, but it is funny and disturbing. ^_^

“Consider qualities listed at left below. Put a check after each quality in the column that will best describe the student. Do not try to check any quality for which you have no basis for judgment. Then consider qualities listed at right below. Put a check at the extreme right of any quality which you think you detect in the student.”


  1. Danielle the Hor said,

    September 1, 2007 @ 8:48 am

    Thank goodness I was born late enough not to be judged by
    a list like that.

    Cheep? Why yes.
    Poor background? Not my fault – piss off.

    Thanx for sharing, this is cool.

  2. TheMe said,

    October 4, 2007 @ 3:13 am

    I see nothing wrong with this sheet.
    If anything, using it may give better description of given student than any current politically-correct version of it.

    Danielle the Hor
    Posted 9/1/2007 at 8:48 am | Permalink

    Thank goodness I was born late enough not to be judged by
    a list like that.

    Cheep? Why yes.
    Poor background? Not my fault – piss off.

    Thanx for sharing, this is cool.[/quote]

    Well well, Danielle, just because “poor background” is “not your fault”, it doesn’t change the fact 😉 And since youre pissed because of the nature of your background, what would you expect from others? Pity? Charity? Else?

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