Librarian Job Prospects?
According to this job prospects list from Money magazine, Librarians are pretty low on the list for best jobs in America in terms of salary and job prospects over the next ten years, falling just under economists and tax collectors. Interestingly, library clerical workers rank much higher on the list- lower salary, but higher chance of finding a job (and presumably lower stress or other factors the magazine looked at). Of course, I have no idea how valid this list is…
Amber Bahadur Thapa said,
January 21, 2008 @ 11:36 pm
I am Nepalies citizen. I’m working in Trubhuvan University,Institute of Engineering,Purwanchal Campus Dharan since 2005 as assistant librarian. Now I’m interestin to work in America in library field. So may I request to you to help me?