New York Common Law Copyright

Here’s a strange and somewhat disturbing case:

It appears that New York common law expands copyright for sound recordings that, under federal law, are no longer protected. It’s disturbing for a number of reasons. For one, now people must think about a host of other issues whenever they use a work, even if it is no longer protected by federal copyright law. That was difficult enough before this decision, and that difficulty has now grown. Now we’ll have to wait until a case of digital and/or online infringement is brought to suit.

Will any court or law recognize the value of the public domain?


  1. Dave Law said,

    March 10, 2008 @ 4:17 am

    Great to here that New York common law expands copyright for sound recordings………..

  2. Solicitors In Middlesbrough said,

    December 4, 2008 @ 6:40 am

    Will any court or law recognize the value of the public domain? – i think it would be a shame if they don’t

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